Ben and me at the hospital

Time is everything. Let’s get going!

“Sea changes come from a very special group of people. Money can’t buy that. Solving these problems, if done well, will add value to both humanity and in the form of money. That part needs to be done exceptionally well and humbly.”

Hi there! My name is Aki and I’m a doctor and entrepreneur, aspiring to optimize people’s healthcare, and this is my website.  Back in October of 2014 I spoke in front of a group about pulmonary nodule management and made the statement “Our hospital will be the first in the country to guarantee 100% of pulmonary nodules are managed appropriately. And we are going to tell everyone. And we will encourage everyone to let hospitals know that they must have 100% compliance.”

Since then, I have been on a mission to keep that word, and not just for the hospital I was working at, but for all hospitals.  This website is where I want to share my journey. I hope others will join and share their journey as well – all leading to the ultimate goal of survival and optimization of care.

Time is everything. Lets get going!

Dr. Aki

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Founder and Chief Medical Officer at Matrix Analytics
Interventional Pulmonologist and Entrepreneur

"I've dedicated my entire professional career to pulmonary nodule management." Dr. Aki